Managing Expenses During Startup Growth: Marketing Strategies for 2025

I am Double ZZ, I have work multiple tasks such as article writing, copywriting, biography, and more. You can buy attention (advertising). You can beg attention from the media (PR). You can bug people one at a time to get attention (sales). Or you can earn attention by creating something interesting and valuable and then publishing it online for free. My informal writing style is a political choice because I want feminism to be more accessible.
" Emotions Synonym Of Emptiness "
What are the emotions meanings and When we heard Emptiness of emotions or emotions of loneliness the first thing which came into our mind is the hollowness that eats us slowly and we are moving to death day by day When we lack something we can’t explain to and when we can’t share or express our emotions to anyone nothing makes us happy no light brings colors to our black n white life we seem alive but we are Not? These feelings can cause our minds and body and make us unhealthy.
"I have the whole thing and that I do not pass over something, but I sense empty interior. This is one of the phrases I listen to the maximum in consultations, and this concept has to have haunted you as soon as before.
"Suicide doesn't kill people Sadness Kill them"
What causes this kind of emotional emptiness?
"Empty Feelings"
In addition to the most basic material needs, many others can cause discomfort at some point if they are not met. This gap could be compared to the shape of a deep black hole located in our stomach or chest. We would feel the same as when we look at a well and see only darkness, and we are not able to see the bottom.
It is a void that becomes a very painful feeling and a great feeling of loneliness and that is that you feel that there is something that you need to feel complete, but that you may not know what it is and that something is needed for affection and approval.
On the other hand, one of the most harmful aspects of this situation is the difficulties it creates when identifying the cause of discomfort. Not knowing where to focus our efforts to improve the situation can turn this experience into something that produces despair and discomfort.
"Fight the emotional void"
Many people struggle with this gap in different ways thinking that this is how they can be completed. Some start exercising excessively, others increase alcohol consumption, some people go to work more hours than usual; some devour food, and others begin to have a lot of sexual intercourse, in search of finding that person who can fill that emotional void he feels and that the other person has left behind.
This last behavior mentions a popular saying that we all know that "one nail takes out another nail".
Fill the void I feel. It is true that these resources that a person needs help to control that sensation at the moment, as well as anxiety and nervousness, but what is the reality? That emptiness is still in us and if we don't work on it in time, it can complicate our day after day.
It must be assumed that much of the emotional emptiness comes from poor care management. The fact that we believe that nothing that is being done is significant comes from being too far away from our own lives as if what is happening to us happened in the documentary.
"Startup Solution and Causes"
What I do is anesthetize this feeling when I connect with it. Imagine inflating a mattress that is punctured, what we do is fix it with a band-aid knowing that this quick fix will only take a while and that later, eventually, this band-aid will come off and we will finally have to buy a new mattress. In other words, I try to patch the black hole in different ways to plug it, but the result is to go back to where I started.
Psychological problems must be solved from their roots, taking into account the dynamics that produce them. It is not enough to just implement initiatives based on reflection and introspection.
There are several causes of emotional emptiness, affecting our expectations and beliefs at once. Maybe when you were little you didn’t receive the necessary affection or maybe you experienced a lot of unsurpassed fights at home or you didn’t feel that your efforts and results were worth it. Or you may have experienced a loss or an emotional connection that was important to you.
This can lead you to, now in adulthood; have a negative self-concept and need and over-reliance on the attention and approval of others. They can be predisposing factors to make me feel so incomplete, empty, and alone. I need others to form a puzzle because without it I miss the part that completes me.
"Dissatisfied relationships"
In consultations, I meet patients who are dissatisfied with their relationship or perhaps a job that cost them so much to get it but sticks to it for fear of loneliness, in case of a relationship, or for fear of frustration this can be felt when you realize that the job you have always wanted does not meet your expectations. That is, I can have a partner with whom I feel comfortable and who loves me, but maybe the relationship does not satisfy me and because of it I can feel alone and empty.
For this reason, we sometimes look for what we are missing in our current relationship with another person, but without the ability to separate from our partner. It is important to understand this emptiness as a red flag that something is wrong with you and that you do not feel whole or that it allows you to achieve the emotional well-being you want.
On the other hand, we must not forget that the instrumental of personal and affective relationships in this way does not harm only us; It does the same with those who follow us. That is why giving up this kind of dynamics not only frees us from a lot of inconveniences but also benefits other people.
What Happened Many times we look away or turn a deaf ear to this emptiness because we don’t want to run into the reality of why we feel that way, causing great difficulty in maintaining emotional well-being.
The problem is when we confuse desires with needs, creating for ourselves that emotional discomfort. What do I mean? When you think your relationship is so valuable that without it you will never be happy again. Or that if you decide to leave a job that does not meet the expectations you thought, you will never be able to achieve success.
So I suggest an exercise: put aside material solutions Put on your glasses and swimsuit and dive inside, so that you can recognize what it is that you are not feeling well with and what is causing you that feeling of emptiness. We must achieve that happiness again.
The goal is to reduce this gap and be able to live with it without hurting us. And you wonder, but can’t it disappear completely? The answer is no because everything we live in leaves an internal mark on us, so we all have that little void.
It is important to take control of this discomfort to regulate it and manage your emotions. You don't have to go through this alone, you may need help to take this control, and we can help you. Remember: it is a courageous and responsible solution for achieving your emotional well-being.
Some Days are just Bad Days, that’s all.
You have to Experience the Sadness to know Happiness
And I remind myself that not every day is going to be a good day
That’s just the way it is !!!
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